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  • Организация торжеств

    Любое событие в жизни можно весело отметить: это может быть День рождения, юбилей или годовщина создания предприятия. Сегодня организация торжеств в Беларуси – одно из ключевых направлений сферы бизнеса На территории Беларуси расположилось несколько десятков баз отдыха, каждая из них уникальна и может предложить для своих гостей несколько вариантов времяпровождения. Как организовать праздник без хлопот? […]

Boss Emma Walmsley hits jackpot with £13m GSK payday

Cashing in: GSK boss Emma Walmsley

GSK boss Emma Walmsley was paid almost £13m last year — taking her total earnings since she took the job to more than £55m.

The pharmaceuticals giant gave her £12.7m in 2023, including a £1.3m basic salary, over £300,000 of benefits and pension contributions and best online loans instant approval £11.1m of bonuses.

That was the biggest pay cheque she has received since taking the job in 2017. In total, Walmsley, 54, has been paid £55.3m since becoming chief executive.

Her earnings remain well below those of Pascal Soriot, who is chief executive of rival AstraZeneca. 

He was paid £16.9m last year and has received a total of £135m since getting the job in 2012.

GSK revenues edged up to £30.3billion last year, while profits rose nearly 8pc to £6.1bn. 

Shares are up nearly 15 per cent this year but are broadly unchanged since Walmsley took over.






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