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Oxford University friends set for $100M after selling software firm

Three Oxford University friends are set for a $100million (£79m) online payday loans no credit check after the ID-checking software firm they started in halls was bought by an American rival business. 

Husayn Kassai, Eamon Jubbawy and Ruhul Amin founded Onfido, a UK start-up which develops ID-checking tools for firms such as Revolut, and they are now in line for an enormous payout following a $650million sale to US competitor Entrust.

The three Oxford graduates, all in their 30s, own around 15 per cent of the London-based software company between them.

Mr Kassai, the former chief executive, has a stake in the company worth more than $50million, The Telegraph reports.

While the three friends are set for a huge online payday loans no credit check, dozens of staff will also make millions of pounds, while Oxford University — who were first to back the three founders with a £12,000 stake — can also expect a massive profit.

Two of the friends, Mr Kassai and Mr Jubbawy, have since left Onfido to found new start-ups, payday loan cash advance but Mr Amin has remained as one of the company’s senior executives.  Onfido is currently led by American technology executive Mike Tuchen. 

Oxford University students (L-R) Eamon Jubbawy, Husayn Kassai and Ruhul Amin founded Onfido

Mr Kassai told The Times: ‘The ecosystem here in the UK has enabled us as founders — two of whom went to underprivileged schools — to get everything they need to build a large company. 

‘In that journey we have been lucky to help others to upskill and learn and a sign of that is the fact that more than 14 of the team have gone on to be founders of their own companies.’ 

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