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Trev Alberts dumps Nebraska for huge payday at Texas A&M

Nebraska athletic director Trev Alberts accepted the same position at Texas A&M, leaving his alma mater to take over for student loans Aggies interim AD R.C. Slocum.

According to ESPN, Alberts will become one of the highest-paid administrators in college sports.

«From my perspective, there has never been a more consequential time in history for higher education and the evolving landscape of intercollegiate athletics,» Alberts said in a statement issued by Texas A&M on Wednesday. «Leadership matters now more than ever before. My interest in Texas A&M is not only due to its prestigious reputation but also because of President Welsh’s compelling vision in which, I believe, Athletics can play a small but important role in helping Texas A&M achieve unprecedented success.»

«I truly want to express my gratitude to the University of Nebraska — the school and its fans have been and always will be immensely important to me,» he said. «Nebraska changed my life, and I’m thankful for the incredible 15 years I spent here.»

The Aggies launched a search to replace Ross Bjork, who was hired in January as athletic director at Ohio State, loans personal online and installed Slocum for the short term.

A&M president Mark A. Welsh III said leadership and a strong business acumen set Alberts apart.

«I can’t imagine a better individual to lead the Aggie Athletics program into the future,» he said.

Alberts has been athletic director at Nebraska since the start of the 2021-22 academic year. One of his biggest moves with the Cornhuskers was to fire fifth-year head coach Scott Frost three weeks into the 2022 season and later replace him with Matt Rhule.

Alberts won’t have to make any such move this time. Football coach Jimbo Fisher was fired in November, and Alberts inherits new coach Mike Elko, who was hired in December to lead the Aggies.

Alberts, 53, was a linebacker at Nebraska and was the school’s first Butkus Award winner and an All-American in 1993. The Colts selected him online payday loans no credit check. 5 overall in the 1994 NFL Draft, and he played in Indianapolis for three seasons before retiring.

Before becoming the Cornhuskers’ AD, Alberts was the athletic director at Nebraska-Omaha.

—Field Level Media

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